Webinar: Self serve analytics for users of the OSIsoft PI System

Technical Services

Jumpstart your Digital Transformation initiatives using TrendMiner


Date:  August 5th 2020, 10:00 US Central Time

We are pleased to announce another Omicron webinar featuring best practices and best of breed applications for users of the OSIsoft PI system.  This time, we adress the challenges of data analysis in the process industries.

As users of the OSIsoft PI System we are privileged to have easy access to large quantities of streaming data and events at their resolution of acquisition.  This is an amazing asset. This is our fortune.  Our misfortune is that it is not always easy to figure out relationships, correlations, interactions, events that are impacting operational and business performance.

The self-serve data analytics solution of TrendMiner is an open framework that understands the need of knowledge workers like process engineers, data scientist and researchers. It lowers provides an intuitive framework to analyse large quantities of data, for a given time range and from many perspectives.  Findings can be saved and reused as templates towards incoming data and events.

TrendMiner is flipping the 80/20 paradigm so you have 80 % of your time spent on understanding and only 20 % searching the data.

If you are on your journey to Digital Transformation or Smart Manufacturing, TrendMiner and Omicron can help you make that journey successful and get you to the destination sooner

About TrendMiner

TrendMiner is a high performance enterprise wide self service data analysis platform designed for streaming data and events and able to support the entire life-cycle of data analysis in the process industries:  Analyze, Monitor and Predict.  TrendMiner is for anyone who is working with process data to troubleshoot operations, improve perfornance and product quality, drive continous improvement, innovate,  reduce energy and utilities costs, etc.

About TrendMiner NV

TrendMiner is the industry leader in self-service analytics for users of the OSIsoft PI System. It helps operators, process engineers, data scientists and anyone working with streaming data and events to analyze, understand, test and monitor equipment and process performance.

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